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The picture of a shepherd with his sheep is a beautiful image of our relationship with God. Thankfully, the metaphor is not a cowboy rounding- up cattle, or a bookish theologian merely providing right answers. We don’t need to be driven like cows and we desperately need more than accurate information. We need the experiential loving care of a good shepherd. In Jesus, we have a good shepherd who cares for his sheep by leading, providing, protecting, and laying his life down as a sacrificial Lamb for sinners (John 10:11-15). “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall never lack what I need.”

In Psalm 86, David cries out to God with a heart distressed by trouble and anguish. Yet, woven through this cry are confessions and celebrations of God's graciousness, goodness, and steadfast love. The attributes of God provide David comfort, joy, and thankfulness even though he faces times of trouble. In this prayer David shows how God wants us to pour out our hearts to him and to rely on his perfect character.