Responding in Faith to God's Promises

Responding in Faith to God's Promises

The first section of Luke covers two miraculous pregnancies, and contrasts two different responses to God’s words. First, God miraculously opens the womb of an old woman named Elizabeth, but the focus is on Zechariah’s response of doubt. Second, God miraculously opens the womb of a virgin girl named Mary with a focus on her response of faith.

  1. Zechariah (1:5-25): We may disbelieve God’s plan because we don’t understand it. Zechariah was a righteous man, a priest at the temple in Jerusalem, performing a religious duty, and elderly. Zechariah “did not believe” (1:20).
  1. Mary (1:26-38): We may believe God’s plan because we trust God’s character. Mary was a young lady, held no religious title, was in a rural northern town, and seemed insignificant. Mary said, “let it be to me according to your word” (1:38).